Like many other charities all of our events fro 2020 have either been cancelled or put on hold. This is obviously devastating for a small charity such as ours that relies on events and donations to fund what we do, BUT, you can help..... If you were planning on coming to any of our regular events perhaps you could donate the amount you might have spent or you could donate the price of a bottle of wine!
You can do this via - it's easy, painless, you don't have to go outdoors to do it and would be hugely appreciated AND possibly life saving.
If you know of anyone who might be generally at risk (not necessarily from Covid19) and who could do with the peace of mind knowing they can summon help in an emergency, then please ring me on 01929 400405 or email and I can arrange for a Lifeline to be installed. Rest assured our partners totally comply with all the safety precautions.